Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Days

So I made it 9 days into the new year before ending up with some unavoidable plastic.

I was out to dinner with friends and ordered my usually glass of water with no straw. (I know the folks at the restaurant pretty well and this is my usual.) I decided to get some sangria (yum!) and I assumed that they would also make it with no straw. I assumed wrong :(

I got my beautiful glass of sangria with two hideous bar straws! I couldn't send it back because they would have just thrown the straws away. So I kept them to become part of my year-end art piece. That is also 30 minutes of beach clean up - 15 minutes for each piece. (I am happy to do the beach clean up but I should have been more vigilant).

Now it is not an entire loss. As my roommate pointed out, because I asked for water with no straw the other 6 people at the table got water with no straw. So the net straw usage for the table was -4 (if you are keeping score).

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